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"round walks" , "maps" , "slide shows" JavaScript is needed.
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New exhibits are referenced directly for the sake of providing direct access
preferably for frequent visitors. But it is intended to maintain the history approximately
for the last year.
Since December 6th , 2013
Certainly, there is also a
round walk ,
showing all the new exhibits.
Plaques mentioning Albertus Magnus in Cologne
Information tablets in Cologne mentioning Albertus
Magnus , Aristotle , Anicius Boethius , and Nicholas of Cusa
Albertus Trail in Lauingen
Monument for Albertus Magnus in Lauingen
Appraisal of Albertus Magnus at the Schimmelturm in
Birthplace of Albertus Magnus in Lauingen
Information board with respect to Albertus Magnus in
Information board with respect to Albertus Magnus in
Information board with respect to Albertus Magnus in
Information board with respect to Albertus Magnus in
Information board with respect to Albertus Magnus in
Information board with respect to Albertus Magnus in
Information board with respect to Albertus Magnus in
Information board with respect to Albertus Magnus in
Busts showing Jean Le Rond d'Alembert , Leonhard
Euler , and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in Berlin
Stamp for André Marie
Commemorative plaque for Peter and Philipp
Apian in Ingolstadt
Statues representing Peter Apian , Johannes Baptist
Cysat , and Christoph Scheiner at the Astronomenbrunnen in Ingolstadt
Statue showing Archimedes in Syracuse
Portraits of Archimedes , Avicenna , Abu
Arrayhan al-Biruni , Georg Cantor , Augustin Louis Cauchy , Bonaventura
Cavalieri , Euklid , Leonhard Euler , Abu Nasr al-Farabi , Evariste
Galois , Carl Friedrich Gauß , David Hilbert , Omar Khayyam ,
Sofia Kowalewskaja , Abu Gafar al-Khwarizmi , Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ,
Nikolai Iwanowitsch Lobatschewski , Nikolai Lusin , Isaac Newton ,
Blaise Pascal , Pythagoras , Pafnuti Tschebyscheff , Nasir al-Din
al-Tusi , Mirza Ulugh Beg , and François Viète in
Statues showing Archimedes und Euclid and a
medallion of Carl Friedrich Gauß in Graz
Monument for Avicenna in Dushanbe
Busts of Avicenna , Abu Rayhan al-Biruni , and
Mirza Ulugh Beg in Bukhara
Wall-paintings showing Avicenna , Abu Arrayhan
al-Biruni , Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi und Mirza Ulugh
Beg in Khiva
Picture showing Avicenna in Bukhara
Stamp for Avicenna
Coin for Stefan Banach
Coin for Stefan Banach
Street-signs related to Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel and
Johann Franz Encke in Berlin-Kreuzberg
Street-signs related to Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel ,
Johannes Kepler , and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in Brunswick
Plaque at the birthplace of Etienne Bézout in
Graves of Luigi Bianchi , Ulisse Dini , and
Leonida Tonelli in Pisa
Monument for Abu Arrayhan al-Biruni in Tashkent
Posters for Abu Arrayhan al-Biruni , Abu Nasr
al-Farabi , and Mirza Ulugh Beg in Samarkand
Coin for Mikola Bogoljubov
Street-signs related to Ludwig Boltzmann , Leopold
Kronecker , Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , Isaac Newton , and Brook
Taylor in Berlin
Street-signs related to Ludwig Boltzmann , Nicolaus Copernicus , Albrecht Dürer , Galileo Galilei , Carl Friedrich
Gauß , Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , Georg Simon Ohm , and Georg von
Peuerbach in Linz
Stamp for Farkas Bolyai
Stamp for János Bolyai
Stamp for Jean Charles de Borda
Coin for Ruggero Boskovich
Stamp for Tycho Brahe
Statue for Filippo Brunelleschi in Florence
Street-signs related to Filippo Brunelleschi , Galileo
Galilei , Evangelista Torricelli , and Vincenzio Viviani in
Street-signs related to Sadi Nicolas Léonhard
Carnot und Blaise Pascal in Berlin-Charlottenburg
Statue of Nicolaus Copernicus in Kraków
Mural painting showing Nicolaus Copernicus in Wrocław
Stamp for Nicolaus Copernicus
Portraits of Nicolaus Copernicus , Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , and Isaac Newton in Berlin
Entry in a table related to the history of Bled's castle concerning
Nicholas of Cusa in Bled
Portraits of René Descartes and Gottfried
Wilhelm Leibniz as well as a bust showing Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat de
Condorcet in Rheinsberg castle
Statue for Ulisse Dini in Pisa
Window images concerning Richard Dedekind , Carl
Friedrich Gauß , and Josef Maximilian Petzval in Brunswick
Commemorative plaque for Christian Andreas Doppler
in Linz
Bust of Albrecht Dürer in Berlin
Street-signs related to Johann Fabricius , Carl
Friedrich Gauß , Johannes Kepler , Johann Heinrich Lambert ,
Heinrich Olbers , Christoph Scheiner , and Hermann Struve in Berlin-Charlottenburg
Coin for Abu Nasr al-Farabi
Kepler kettle and portrait of Johann Faulhaber
in the Ulm museum
Street-sign for Rue de Fermat in Toulouse
Commemorative plaque at the birthplace of Jean Baptiste Joseph
Fourier in Auxerre
Bust of Galileo Galilei at the Villa Il Gioiello in
Commemorative plaque for Galileo Galilei in
Plaque in Florence which also mentions Galileo
Mural painting with respect to Galileo Galilei in Florence
Museo Galileo in Florence
Birthplace of Galileo Galilei in Pisa
Street-sign referring to Galileo Galilei in Pisa
Marble plaque for Galileo Galilei and his father
Vincenzo Galilei in Pisa
Stamp for Galileo Galilei
Stamp for Galileo Galilei
Medal for Galileo Galilei
Portraits of Nicolaus Copernicus , Galileo Galilei ,
Johannes Kepler , and Isaac Newton in Ulm
Street-signs related to Carl Friedrich Gauß and
Johannes Kepler in Berlin-Oberschöneweide
Monument for Franz Anton Ritter von Gerstner in
Stamp for Franz Josef von Gerstner
Relief for Gabriel Gruber in Ljubljana
Street-signs related to Gabriel Gruber and Jurij
Vega in Ljubljana
Polyhedral sundial constructed by Erasmus Habermel in
the German Historic Museum in Berlin
Commemorative plaque for Wilhelm Jordan in
Monument for Johannes Kepler in Graz
Monument for Johannes Kepler in Graz
Plaque for Johannes Kepler in Graz
Commemorative plaque for Johannes Kepler in Graz
Linden-tree named after Johannes Kepler in Graz
Street-signs related to Nicolaus Copernicus and
Johannes Kepler in Graz
Pavillon with Kepler statue in Linz
Bust of Johannes Kepler as decoration in Linz
Plaques mentioning Johannes Kepler at the Landhaus in
Johannes Kepler observarory in Linz
Kepler-ellipse in Linz
Commemorative plaques for Johannes Kepler in Linz
Plaque for Johannes Kepler in Linz
Plaque at the dwelling house where Johannes Kepler
lived from 1626 up to 1628 in Regensburg
Stamp for Johannes Kepler
Stamp for Johannes Kepler
Monument for Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa
al-Khwarizmi in Urganch
Exhibits in the phæno in Wolfsburg related to Felix
Klein and Pythagoras
Coin for Michailo Krawtschuk
Street-sign related to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in Berlin-Charlottenburg
Cookies named after Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Stamp for Georges Lemaître
Temporary exhibition concerning Tobias Mayer in Esslingen
Statues of Gerhard Mercator and Abraham
Ortelius in Brussels
Stamp for Gerhard Mercator
Stamp for Gerhard Mercator
Stamp for Gerhard Mercator
Stamp for Gerhard Mercator
Coin commemorating to Gaspard Monge
Memorial stone for Franz Ernst Neumann near Parlow
Stamp for Isaac Newton
Commemorative plaque at the birthplace of Florence
Nightingale in Florence
Coin for Florence Nightingale
Coin for Luca Pacioli
Monument for Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand
Information board related to Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand
Commemorative plaque mentioning Joseph Antoine Ferdinand
Plateau in Brussels
Memorial which honours also Joseph Antoine Ferdinand Plateau in Brussels
Stamp for Joseph Antoine Ferdinand
Monument for Josip Plemelj in Bled
Memorial room for Josip Plemelj in Bled
Villa of Josip Plemelj in Bled
Monument for Josip Plemelj in Ljubljana
Grave of Josip Plemelj in Ljubljana
Busts of Claudius Ptolemy and Pythagoras in the
minster of Ulm
Statue of Adolphe Quetelet in Brussels
Commemorating plaque for Adolphe Quetelet at the
former observatory in Brussels
Statue for Srinivasa Ramanujan in Chennai
Monument for Franz Reuleaux in Berlin
Stamp for Erwin Schrödinger
Stamp for Johann Andreas Segner
Stamp for Rudolf Skuherský
Placard of Johann Matthäus Stamler in the German
Historical Museum in Berlin
Monument for Jožef Stefan in Ljubljana
Medal for Simon Stevin
Commemorative plaque for Michael Stifel in
Gravestone for Mirza Ulugh Beg in the Amir Timur
Mausoleum in Samarkand
Ulugh Beg Madrasah in Bukhara
Ulugh Beg Madrasah in Samarkand
Exhibition concerning the scientist Mirza Ulugh Beg
in Samarkand
Astronomical museum related to Mirza Ulugh Beg in
Observatory of Mirza Ulugh Beg in Samarkand
Monument for Mirza Ulugh Beg in Samarkand
Monument for Mirza Ulugh Beg in Taschkent
Stamp for Muhammad Taragai Ulugh Beg
Stamp for Muhammad Taragai Ulugh Beg
Stamp for Muhammad Taragai Ulugh Beg
Stamp for Muhammad Taragai Ulugh Beg
Stamp for Muhammad Taragai Ulugh Beg
Vega Trail from Dolsko to Moravče
Tourist information centre Jurij Vega in Dolsko
Relief for Jurij Vega in Lubljana
Monument for Jurij Vega in Ljubljana
Monument for Jurij Vega in Moravče
Memorial for Jurij Vega in Zagorica
Birthplace of Jurij Vega in Zagorica
Memorial room at the birthplace of Jurij Vega in
Venn diagram promoting an exhibition in Florence
Stamp for Ferdinand Verbiest
Worldmap by Martin Waldseemüller with a portrait
of Claudius Ptolemy in Berlin
Stamp for Martin Waldseemüller
Plaquette for Wilhelm Wirtinger
Books written by Christian Wolff and Euclid
with a preface of Johann Andreas von Segner in Berlin-Spandau
Poster and plaque refering to 'Rechen-August ' in
Astrolab in the Museum for Islamic Art in Berlin (designed by Abū Ğac far
al-Hāzin )
Bundesrealgymnasium in Graz
Relief 'Universitas Aeterna ' in Berlin
Miniature of the relief 'Universitas Aeterna ' in
Exhibits in the Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salon in
Exhibition '200 Leading Minds of Science ' in Graz
π-day in Linz ... and the number π at the Institute
for Mathematics of the Free University of Berlin
Arithmetic pennies in the German Historical Museum in Berlin
Museum 'Haus der Wissenschaft ' in Graz
Spittel-colonnades in Berlin-Mitte
Stamp in occasion of 400 years Gregorian
Stamp in occasion of General assembly of the
International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics in Hamburg in 1983
Stamps for the jubilee 125 years Union of Czechoslovakian Mathematicians and Physicists with portraits of Josef Maximilian Petzval and Vojtěch Jarník
Stamp in occasion of 2nd European Congress of
Mathematics in Budapest in 1996
Stamps concerning Geodesy in the People's Republic of China
List of publications reproducing pictures from this virtual
Moreover additions or changes took place at the following exhibits:
Since March 30th , 2013
Due to the lack of many exhibits no round walk is provided.
The page with the monument for Carl Friedrich
Gauß in Brunswick was supplemented by a street-sign.
The page describing the Kepler Museum in Regensburg
was supplemented by a photograph with the front face of the building. (In September 2005
the museum was under redecoration.)
The hardly readable plaque at the evangelical seminary in Tübingen, which also
Johannes Kepler , was replaced by a new one.
The page with the monument for Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa
al-Khwarizmi in Khiwa was supplemented by more information and photographs.
More books were included in the book list .
Since February 9th , 2012
A Map of the world is included in the exhibition,
which states an alternative to the locations index.
The section Links to related sites contains hints to
other exhibitions, which are also concerned with mathematicians or mathematics.
Link collections are sites, which do not provide exhibits
itself but provide links to such related sites.
Last but not least links are provided to societies
which culivate knowledge about and bequests of great mathematicians.
Links to related sites
Since October 2006 there is also a
variant of the section "Monuments". A
variant exists also for the coin collection since November 2006 and from January
2007 there exists also a
variant of the section concerning graves.
They are parts of the portal DivulgaMAT , whose aim
is making mathematics more popular.
This portal is developed by a commission of the Real Sociedad Matemática
Española (Royal Society for Mathematics of Spain).
Links to Societies which focus on cultivating the
bequests of great mathematicians