Wissenschaftliche Vorträge / Scientific Lectures

Zahlentheoretische Beziehungen bei B-Splines zu äquidistanten Gittern
October 16th, 1980, Rutishauser Symposium, ETH Zürich

Die Einbettung von Splinefunktionen bei Verfeinerung des Gitters
July 9th, 1982, Freie Universität Berlin

An automatic algorithm and its application to nonlinear operator equations
July 23rd, 1982, Durham Symposium on Numerical Treatment of Integral Equations, University of Durham

Superkonvergenz bei der Lösung von linearen Operatorgleichungen
November 2nd, 1984, Seminar über Randelementmethoden, TH Darmstadt

Raster evaluation for splines
Juni 30th, 1987, 1st International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie Paris

Superkonvergente Lösungsverfahren für lineare Integrodifferentialgleichungen
September 21st, 1987, Annual conference of DMV, TU Berlin

Die Auswertung von Polynomen mehrerer Veränderlicher auf Punktrastern
September 30th, 1988, Austrographics, TU Wien

Die Auswertung von Splinefunktionen auf Punktrastern
April 18th, 1989, Algorithms 1989, Vysoké Tatry - Strbské Pleso

The Difference Interpolation Method for Splines
Juni 29th, 1989, Dundee Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, University of Dundee

Nichtparametrische Darstellung von Bézier-Kurven
September 17th, 1992, Annual conference of DMV, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Approximation properties of subspaces generated by an infinitely often differentiable function and its translates
Juli 4th, 1995, 3rd International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Congress Centrum Hamburg

Quasi-interpolation with arbitrarily often differentiable functions
August 19th, 1998, International Congress of Mathematicians, TU Berlin
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Constructing smooth approximating functions by means of polynomial interpolation
October 2nd, 2001, International Conference on Numerical Algorithms, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Marrakech

Von klassischer Navigation zu GPS - Wege zum eigenen Standpunkt
June 26th, 2008, Freie Universität Berlin

Posterpräsentationen / Poster sessions

Monuments on Mathematicians
August, 2006, International Congress of Mathematicians, Palacio Municipal de Congresos, Madrid
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Last addition on July 11th, 2008